Distance DBA Programs, the Right Choice to Get a Business Degree without Leaving Your Business
Don't Let the Work Stop You from Learning, Take a Distance DBA Programs Now
Ever heard of what is called distance learning? A lecture method that is widely used by a businessman to be able to gain knowledge and business insight but still take care of his business day by day and still be in his own office. This is a program for a business called distance DBA programs or doctorate in Business Administration.
In every business school or university that has a business department, there are special requirements to be able to enroll in this program. Some require that prospective students already have an MBA, have experienced business for approximately 5 years and there are also some business schools that do not require it, but maybe other things needed.
Why is it called distance or online programs?
Because indeed the method provided can be done remotely with flexible time depending on each student. That's why business people choose this program because without necessary to leave his business he is also able to increase his business knowledge and insight.
But that does not mean that this remote program does not require face-to-face meetings with teaching professors. The usual early learning focused on the theoretical foundations of management as well as methodological skills such as statistics or survey design.
But when there are obstacles along the way or learning is getting deeper and more complex, or there is an introduction to new software, face-to-face meetings or kind of physical class will be felt to be more effective and reach the target.
What are the supporting facilities in this program's online method?
Usually, the school has prepared any material to facilitate this remote program such as:
1. Video
2. Online tutorial
3. Digital online researches
4. Dedicated support campus team that is ready to answer if there are questions raised during the lecture period
5. Online conference
In addition to the pure distance DBA programs, there are more that might be a suitable choice for those of you who still want to have conventional physical or face-to-face class opportunities, for example, a blended approach program. The program is designed so that there are physical meeting sessions between students and teaching professors as well as between students so that more communication and sharing of knowledge and experience are established. In addition to the advantages contained in this digital program, usually, tuition can be slightly suppressed, because there are no transportation costs, no other logistical and operational costs like lectures in general.
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